Dave Gibbons
2 min readJan 12, 2021


Speak up?

This is a hard one for us peace-loving, unity hungry, introverts who are lovers more than fighters!

According to Christian protocol, you first engage privately.

Yet when does an offense warrant going public, Christian or not?

There is a line, right?

•When human lives are jeopardized.

•When there is abuse and violence.

•When the vulnerable are not being protected.

•When someone creates an unhealthy, toxic culture that impacts people and the community.

•When you disrespect local community leadership.

There is a responsibility to also speak up when there is an abuse of power especially if it involves the lives of people. The action should be swift. Accountability upheld. We must not be silent. Look at the recent examples of movements that turned a blind eye to leaders who for years were suspected of nefarious activities.

Our culture is unhealthy if leadership can’t be questioned or challenged. If you go public with opinions, expect public discourse and opposition.

It’s healthy to have disagreement. Peace isn’t the absence of conflict but the agreement to humbly collaborate in our diversity

What we need is courageous HUMILITY.

Humility to respect neighborhood leadership.

Humility to not promote our good deeds.

Humility to admit what’s wrong with us.

And humility to address those who are causing violence and abuse.

If it’s not about us, consider the vulnerable and the victims.

There is no glory or gloating in calling out abuse. The reality is we are all connected. When one falls we all hurt especially if they are our leaders.

Without committed love and action, you only have a mirage of unity.

These are the things worth speaking up about.

